The hospital room space that protects medical professionals from patients with life-threatening viruses and diseases.
Role: Research, Product Design, and UX/UI Development

A 3D interactive Render of medspace. Click to see medspace features.

The Problem
With the increasing number of Covid cases, patients coming into the hospital have soared, further increasing nurse burnout. Nurses and medical professionals are put under further mental and physical exhaustion due to the fear of getting covid.
I conducted an interview with a nurse who is currently working with covid patients at the hospitals through message and asked questions on how nurses feel and experience about the pandemic situation in their workplace.  
"Healthcare workers has faced tremendous challenges, on of which are deficient supplies of PPE- personal protective equipment and other vital necessities as cardiac monitors especially needed in the Intensive Care Units and Emergency Departments. Nurses resorted to reuse of single use gear or developed local general quick fixes, both of which do not offer the same protection as professional quality gear."
Medspace was developed as an isolated space between patient and nurse in order to prevent the spread of the virus and alleviate nurse burnout amid the pandemic. This will help nurses monitor and work on helping their patients at a safe distance. Medspace has two UI interfaces: the iPad version that will allow nurses to monitor multiple patients, even at a far distance and the direct-to-medspace interface that focuses on tasks on an individual patient.
Informational Architecture

Mobile Tablet Version

Direct to Product Version

Low Fidelity
High Fidelity
Login Page
Login Page
Home Page
Home Page
Patient List
Patient List
Live Overview of Individual Patient Vitals
Live Overview of Individual Patient Vitals
Monitor Patient Vitals On a Specific Date
Monitor Patient Vitals On a Specific Date
Importing Patient Data to iPad task
Importing Patient Data to iPad task
Importing Patient Data to iPad task
Importing Patient Data to iPad task
Contact Patient's Immediate Family Task
Contact Patient's Immediate Family Task
Messaging Patient's Family Task
Messaging Patient's Family Task
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